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Mii de animale sunt abandonate pe strazi, in parcuri, pe camp, in aceasta tara.... Mii de animale mor de frig, foame, sete, bolnave, in chinuri, nestiute de nimeni... Cei mai multi sunt chiar 'cei mai buni prieteni ai omului' ... CAINII.... Tara asta ARE o lege de protectie a animalelor, insa neaplicabila,... pe guvernanti nu i-a interesat si nu ii va interesa NICIODATA soarta animalelor... cu atat mai putin a cainilor...  

Foarte putinii oameni care se implica si care chiar ajuta cainii fara stapan, dandu-le o sansa sa traiasca, sunt si managerii Centrului Teritorial Veterinar Sector 2, care au in grija peste 600 de catei in cele doua adaposturi (Butimanu si Tanganu). Fiind adaposturi  publice, ar fi trebuit sa fie eutanasiati toti cateii pana acum, insa d-na Nicolicescu, directoarea  centrului a primit permisiunea superiorilor sai de a tine cainii in viata cu ajutorul donatiilor/ adoptiilor la distanta!

Asfel, 600 de caini au sansa sa traiasca avand ADOPTATORI VIRTUALI si chiar sa fie ADOPTATI REAL  in anumite conditii! Majoritatea cateilor sunt adoptati 'la distanta' dar se intampla ca din motive subiective adoptatorii virtuali renunta la plata lunara si se retrag, astfel cateii ajung in pericol de a fi eutanasiati........... 

De aceea daca vreti sa salvati un suflet nevinovat, sa il ajutati sa traiasca (deocamdata doar in adapost) puteti sa renuntati la  5 pachete din tigarile pe care le fumati lunar sau  la 5 shaorme si sa donati 77 lei pentru  un catel! Multumim!


Thousand of dogs are abandoned in this country the streets, in parks, on the fields, in forests.. Most of them dies from cold, hunger, thirst, illness, in pains, unknown .... Most them are MAN'S BEST FRIENDS... DOGS....

Those who survive and are lucky enough to get to public shelters BUTIMANU and TANGANU (In District 2 of Bucharest) have the chance to survive, thanks to a lady (Mrs.Nicolicescu) who convinced her bosses to allow her to rais funds every month to keep the dogs alive! In those two shelters there are now over 600 dogs, most of them old, but in good shape, are feed and cared! But for this, they need US to help!  Every dog  needs a person to donate 18 euro/month to keep it alive! Most of them already have VIRTUAL adopters BUT some of them lost their donators for many reasons so they are in danger now! 

This is why, IF YOU CANNOT REAL ADOPT A DOGGY FROM SHELTER, you still can save one! FOR 18 EURO / MONTH!!!! Please help an innocent soul! Adopt from distance! ADOPT FOR REAL! THANK YOU!

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